  • 解釈:何故なら、自分が解脱し、涅槃の境地へ行くために、出家するので。
  • Literal:A Buddhist (Buddhist monk) is selfish.
  • Interpretation:Because Buddhist monk is delivered from it and goes to Buddhahood of Nirvana.

  •  しかし、僧侶は、人々のために供養しているが……。
    However, Buddhist monk holds a service for people.
    It is a reward of the offerings to Buddhist monk. It is an excuse. The true purpose of Buddhist monk goes to Buddhahood of Nirvana and is to become Buddha.
    The people do not make Buddha. A Buddhist (Buddhist monk) is selfish.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.